Hugo Themes
Simple and functional theme for Hugo
This is simple and functional Hugo theme.
$ git clone themes/whiteplain
$ git submodule add themes/whiteplain
More colors
This theme automatically switches between light and dark styles depending on the OS color scheme. You can fix the light or dark style by adding the following theme.
baseurl = ""
title = "Whiteplain"
theme = "whiteplain"
languageCode = "en"
# Disqus shortname
disqusShortname = "Shortname"
# google analytics tracking id
googleAnalytics = "Toracking ID"
# Copyright notice. This is displayer in the footer.
copyright = "© Copyright 2017 Your name"
# whether to use CDN or local file for fontawesome
#useCDN = false
# whether to include external sharing scripts and icons for twitter, facebook and co.
#showShareIcons = false
# Date format
#dateFormat = "January 2, 2006"
# This is displayer in About page.
name = "Your name"
# Gravatar or Abatar image
gravatar = "Gravatar email or MD5 Hash"
#avatar = "/path/to/avatar"
twitter = "Twitter username"
facebook = "Facebook username"
googleplus = "Googleplus username"
instagram = "Instagram username"
tumblr = "Tumblr username"
flickr = "Flickr username"
reddit = "Reddit username"
linkedin = "Linkedin username"
slideshare = "Slideshare username"
github = "Github username"
gitlab = "Gitlab username"
bitbucket = "Bitbucket username"
stackoverflow = "Stackoverflow username"
jsfiddle = "Jsfiddle username"
codepen = "Codepen username"
deviantart = "Deviantart username"
behance = "Behance username"
dribbble = "Dribbble username"
wordpress = "Wordpress username"
medium = "Medium username"
foursquare = "Foursquare username"
xing = "Xing username"
quora = "Quora username"
youtube = "Youtube username"
vimeo = "Vimeo username"
whatsapp = "Whatsapp username"
skype = "Skype username"
snapchat = "Snapchat username"
pinterest = "Pinterest username"
telegram = "Telegram username"
vine = "Vine username"
email = "Your email"
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
series = "series"
# Header Menu
name = "Categories"
identifier = "categories"
url = "/categories/"
weight = 1
name = "Tags"
identifier = "tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 2
name = "Archives"
identifier = "archives"
url = "/archives/"
weight = 3
name = "About"
identifier = "about"
url = "/about/"
weight = 4
# Footer Menu
name = "About"
weight = 1
identifier = "about"
url = "/about/"
Archives page
The Archive page will be displayed, if you create content/archives/_index.html
The file can be 0 bytes.
Hugo site direcctory
└── content
└── archives
About page
The author information is displayed on the About page. You should create an About page in content/about/
Your site direcctory
└── content
└── about
Customize Stylesheet and Javascript
You can customize Stylesheet and Javascript. When you create static/css/custom.css
, it will be loaded automatically.
Default Syntax highlighter style is monokai
. If you want to change the style, create static/css/syntax.css
. See Hugo Syntax Highlighting about Syntax highlighting.
Your site direcctory
└── static
├── css
│ ├── custom.css
│ └── syntax.css
└── js
└── custom.js
If you want to use libraries and frameworks, create layouts/partials/head_custom.html
. Its contents are read into <head>...</head>
Your site direcctory
├── layouts
└── partials
└── head_custom.html
Customize Share Buttons
- Copy
. - Customize
Your site direcctory
├── layouts
│ └── partials
│ └── share.html
└── themes
└── whiteplain
└── layouts
└── partials
└── share.html
Customize Author SNS Icons
- Copy
. - Customize
Your site direcctory
├── layouts
│ └── partials
│ └── social.html
└── themes
└── whiteplain
└── layouts
└── partials
└── social.html
This theme using Font Awesome.